Milford, Pennsylvania

“Mamma bread, that’s yummy”

My sons were the clever ones who came up with the name for my sourdough business but my journey began long before they were born. Learning the art of sourdough bread came from a place of discovery. Wanting to learn why my body was not well, and after countless restrictive diets, I learned that fermented foods gave me the power to feel whole again. Each loaf takes three days to complete and is cold fermented to allow all the good bacteria in the natural yeast to do its job, aid in digestion. Baking sourdough was always a community event, baking two loaves at a time meant my friends and neighbors were always gifted a warm loaf straight from the oven. Sharing bread did not change when I settled in Milford and I look forward to sharing this timeless practice of slowing down and eating healthy bread with you.
